This drama is set in the private automotive industry, where challenges and opportunities coexist. It tells the story of Ouyang Xialan, a business investigator played by Zhang Li, who cleverly connects her fate with Peng Yue, the second son of Tianguan Group and the founder of the "Over the Hill" automotive research and development institution, played by Gao Hanyu, during a mission execution. The two of them have gone through several waves
This drama is set in the private automotive industry, where challenges and opportunities coexist. It tells the story of Ouyang Xialan, a business investigator played by Zhang Li, who cleverly connects her fate with Peng Yue, the second son of Tianguan Group and the founder of the "Over the Hill" automotive research and development institution, played by Gao Hanyu, during a mission execution. The two of them have gone through several waves