"My Martial Arts Boyfriend" tells a story that travels back and forth between ancient and modern times, with a touch of a modern version of "Qin Xun Ji", but with a focus on the modern part. The story begins a thousand years ago when a martial arts prodigy named Mi Cang was chased by the cunning martial uncle Lu Hongkai. In front of the time tunnel, Mi Cang fell into 2004, and Lu Hongkai
"My Martial Arts Boyfriend" tells a story that travels back and forth between ancient and modern times, with a touch of a modern version of "Qin Xun Ji", but with a focus on the modern part. The story begins a thousand years ago when a martial arts prodigy named Mi Cang was chased by the cunning martial uncle Lu Hongkai. In front of the time tunnel, Mi Cang fell into 2004, and Lu Hongkai