The fourth season of the first domestic role-playing mystery variety show "Star Detective" launched by Mango TV will premiere on October 26th, with He Jiong, Liu Haoran, Zhang Ruoyun, Bai Jingting, Wang Ou, and others forming the starting lineup, opening the door to a new season of mystery and investigation. Liu Haoran and Zhang Ruoyun unexpectedly return, staging an IQ showdown that attracts attention
The fourth season of the first domestic role-playing mystery variety show "Star Detective" launched by Mango TV will premiere on October 26th, with He Jiong, Liu Haoran, Zhang Ruoyun, Bai Jingting, Wang Ou, and others forming the starting lineup, opening the door to a new season of mystery and investigation. Liu Haoran and Zhang Ruoyun unexpectedly return, staging an IQ showdown that attracts attention