Born by the seaside in Seto, Kazuo Nagata (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima) grew up disliking his father Tadao (played by Akira Kagawa)'s strong and authoritarian style of behavior. As an adult, he went to Tokyo alone to work hard. Although he aspired to be a perfect and caring husband and father, he could not prevent the fate of the family of three from going bankrupt. At the very beginning of life
Born by the seaside in Seto, Kazuo Nagata (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima) grew up disliking his father Tadao (played by Akira Kagawa)'s strong and authoritarian style of behavior. As an adult, he went to Tokyo alone to work hard. Although he aspired to be a perfect and caring husband and father, he could not prevent the fate of the family of three from going bankrupt. At the very beginning of life