The drama tells the story of Zheng Ruiyan, who accidentally owns 9.9 billion yuan in cash, and Jiang Taiyu, who faces Zheng Ruiyan in order to uncover the truth about her younger brother's death. King Kong Yu will play Jiang Taiyu in the drama. Before being falsely accused and leaving the police station, he was a person who didn't care about things around him and would go crazy when he smelled the smell of the incident
The drama tells the story of Zheng Ruiyan, who accidentally owns 9.9 billion yuan in cash, and Jiang Taiyu, who faces Zheng Ruiyan in order to uncover the truth about her younger brother's death. King Kong Yu will play Jiang Taiyu in the drama. Before being falsely accused and leaving the police station, he was a person who didn't care about things around him and would go crazy when he smelled the smell of the incident