The story takes place in the early stages of the Anti Japanese War, in the Baiyangdian area of central Hebei Province. Under the call of Communist Party member Hei Laocai, the common people organized the Anti Japanese Self Defense Force Yanling Team. They utilized their geographical advantages and made reasonable use of their own characteristics to engage in effective guerrilla warfare against Japanese imperialism. Yang Xiaomei, the younger sister of Black Old Cai's wife, is here
The story takes place in the early stages of the Anti Japanese War, in the Baiyangdian area of central Hebei Province. Under the call of Communist Party member Hei Laocai, the common people organized the Anti Japanese Self Defense Force Yanling Team. They utilized their geographical advantages and made reasonable use of their own characteristics to engage in effective guerrilla warfare against Japanese imperialism. Yang Xiaomei, the younger sister of Black Old Cai's wife, is here