Yu Fei (played by Tao Dayu), who worked as a sniper in the Flying Tiger team, was promoted to captain and led 20 team members who had served for a year. During a mission, members of the Flying Tigers, Hunter (played by Rong Jinchang) and Yi Zai (played by Chen Guobang), acted without authorization due to their eagerness to save hostages. They violated discipline and were scolded by superiors. Fortunately, Yu Fei pleaded for mercy, which prevented them from doing so
Yu Fei (played by Tao Dayu), who worked as a sniper in the Flying Tiger team, was promoted to captain and led 20 team members who had served for a year. During a mission, members of the Flying Tigers, Hunter (played by Rong Jinchang) and Yi Zai (played by Chen Guobang), acted without authorization due to their eagerness to save hostages. They violated discipline and were scolded by superiors. Fortunately, Yu Fei pleaded for mercy, which prevented them from doing so