Produced by Penguin Film and Television. In the 37th year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, a series of murders occurred in the county town of Jiangnan, with the deceased having different identities and no connection to each other. The bodies were arranged in bizarre postures, and a sentence was left at each crime scene. As the apprentice of the first victim, the constable Qu Sangeng collaborated with his friends to conduct an investigation
Produced by Penguin Film and Television. In the 37th year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, a series of murders occurred in the county town of Jiangnan, with the deceased having different identities and no connection to each other. The bodies were arranged in bizarre postures, and a sentence was left at each crime scene. As the apprentice of the first victim, the constable Qu Sangeng collaborated with his friends to conduct an investigation