Fushun (played by Jin Gao'en), who runs a street vendor, relies on his only sister for survival. Although there are some shortcomings, Fushun is a famous "crazy woman", and any offense she makes is equivalent to causing a big disaster. One day, a cold-blooded killer named Tai Xiu (played by Li Minji) appeared in front of Fushun. In order to conceal his secret, Tai Xiu even harmed him
Fushun (played by Jin Gao'en), who runs a street vendor, relies on his only sister for survival. Although there are some shortcomings, Fushun is a famous "crazy woman", and any offense she makes is equivalent to causing a big disaster. One day, a cold-blooded killer named Tai Xiu (played by Li Minji) appeared in front of Fushun. In order to conceal his secret, Tai Xiu even harmed him