Minnan language (alternate name for Minnan dialect)
The story tells of Tsang Chuwei (played by Wong Pei chia), who has been separated from her first love boyfriend Kevin Dewey (played by Leslie Cheung) for seven years and has not yet recovered from her emotional trauma. After waiting for news from Kevin Dewey, she accepts a blind date arranged by her family. Zeng Chuwei, who mistakenly identified her partner at a blind date dinner and was sent to the hospital after a series of funny accidents, ended up at a medical beauty clinic
The story tells of Tsang Chuwei (played by Wong Pei chia), who has been separated from her first love boyfriend Kevin Dewey (played by Leslie Cheung) for seven years and has not yet recovered from her emotional trauma. After waiting for news from Kevin Dewey, she accepts a blind date arranged by her family. Zeng Chuwei, who mistakenly identified her partner at a blind date dinner and was sent to the hospital after a series of funny accidents, ended up at a medical beauty clinic