Primary school teacher Zhang Bonan (played by Liu Qiong) is a loyal, honest, and hardworking person in the field of education. Due to his unwillingness to let a wealthy wife's son cheat on exam scores, he offended the principal and was finally dismissed. Another teacher, Tao Kanghou, also voluntarily resigned due to Zhang Bonan's expulsion. After Zhang Bonan lost his job, he met a political thug
Primary school teacher Zhang Bonan (played by Liu Qiong) is a loyal, honest, and hardworking person in the field of education. Due to his unwillingness to let a wealthy wife's son cheat on exam scores, he offended the principal and was finally dismissed. Another teacher, Tao Kanghou, also voluntarily resigned due to Zhang Bonan's expulsion. After Zhang Bonan lost his job, he met a political thug