Xiao Zhi (voiced by Han Bo), Xiao Ren (voiced by Liu Pei), and Xiao Yong (voiced by Ze Fei) originally had a handsome appearance and were proud of it. However, they became three reckless men due to being tainted with vulgarity during the times of mortal turmoil. Moreover, the three individuals who were unable to complete the task were unable to return to the Heavenly Court and were left stranded in exile
Xiao Zhi (voiced by Han Bo), Xiao Ren (voiced by Liu Pei), and Xiao Yong (voiced by Ze Fei) originally had a handsome appearance and were proud of it. However, they became three reckless men due to being tainted with vulgarity during the times of mortal turmoil. Moreover, the three individuals who were unable to complete the task were unable to return to the Heavenly Court and were left stranded in exile