Six year old Xiao Haiyan lives in a seaside town with her father Dayong and mother Jinhua. In Haiyan's eyes, her father is the best person in the world, but in reality, Dayong has actually been married and has a daughter. He has been secretly taking care of his ex-wife and daughter without telling Jinhua. My ex-wife has leukemia, but Da Yong has no money and can only steal factory goods
Six year old Xiao Haiyan lives in a seaside town with her father Dayong and mother Jinhua. In Haiyan's eyes, her father is the best person in the world, but in reality, Dayong has actually been married and has a daughter. He has been secretly taking care of his ex-wife and daughter without telling Jinhua. My ex-wife has leukemia, but Da Yong has no money and can only steal factory goods