Boarding college student Misaki Takahashi (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) and great writer Akihiko Uzo (voiced by Mitsuru Hanada) continue the first installment and continue their love story. At the instigation of Ms. Sagawa, the editor of Akihiko, and the owner of Marukawa Bookstore, Misaki agreed to attend Akihiko's Kikugawa Prize Memorial Party. stay
Boarding college student Misaki Takahashi (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) and great writer Akihiko Uzo (voiced by Mitsuru Hanada) continue the first installment and continue their love story. At the instigation of Ms. Sagawa, the editor of Akihiko, and the owner of Marukawa Bookstore, Misaki agreed to attend Akihiko's Kikugawa Prize Memorial Party. stay