15-year-old high school student Takao Akiyuki (voiced by Kano Kano) had to work to make a living while focusing on his studies. His mother ran away from home, and he and his brother lived a life where they couldn't see ahead. On the day of the plum blossom, Xiaoxiong skipped class and came to the Japanese garden. In a quiet pavilion, a 27 year old workplace woman
15-year-old high school student Takao Akiyuki (voiced by Kano Kano) had to work to make a living while focusing on his studies. His mother ran away from home, and he and his brother lived a life where they couldn't see ahead. On the day of the plum blossom, Xiaoxiong skipped class and came to the Japanese garden. In a quiet pavilion, a 27 year old workplace woman