In 1935, on the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi, a shepherd named Cheng Baowa (played by Liu Bin) fell in love with Bai Xiulan (played by Zhang Jiquan), the daughter of Bai Haiwang (played by Zhang Yun). Red Army underground worker Lao Li (played by Pei Ran) brings good news to everyone - Liu Zhidan's team has arrived. When the commander of the White Army chased after Lao Li, Cheng Baowa sang a love song to cover it up
In 1935, on the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi, a shepherd named Cheng Baowa (played by Liu Bin) fell in love with Bai Xiulan (played by Zhang Jiquan), the daughter of Bai Haiwang (played by Zhang Yun). Red Army underground worker Lao Li (played by Pei Ran) brings good news to everyone - Liu Zhidan's team has arrived. When the commander of the White Army chased after Lao Li, Cheng Baowa sang a love song to cover it up