In a city full of ancient charm, during the season of cherry blossoms dancing, young man Guan Genger (voiced by Honcheng Xiongtaro) and childhood sweetheart Liang Pu Xia Xi (voiced by Watanabe Mayo) live an ordinary and happy life. They argue and argue, hiding their worries. At the beginning of the new semester, a handsome, mysterious and charming transfer student named Jing Jiliang (Junior)
In a city full of ancient charm, during the season of cherry blossoms dancing, young man Guan Genger (voiced by Honcheng Xiongtaro) and childhood sweetheart Liang Pu Xia Xi (voiced by Watanabe Mayo) live an ordinary and happy life. They argue and argue, hiding their worries. At the beginning of the new semester, a handsome, mysterious and charming transfer student named Jing Jiliang (Junior)