The story takes place in Hutou Town in the 1920s, where a poor boy named Zhu Jinchun (played by Ma Guoming) falls in love with a wealthy young lady named Yi Rongrong (played by Zhou Liqi). The disparity in identity destined this relationship to go through various twists and turns. Yi Rongrong's father, Yi Shugong (played by Li Guolin), wants to betroth Yi Rongrong to Dong Zhenbang, the son of the town mayor
The story takes place in Hutou Town in the 1920s, where a poor boy named Zhu Jinchun (played by Ma Guoming) falls in love with a wealthy young lady named Yi Rongrong (played by Zhou Liqi). The disparity in identity destined this relationship to go through various twists and turns. Yi Rongrong's father, Yi Shugong (played by Li Guolin), wants to betroth Yi Rongrong to Dong Zhenbang, the son of the town mayor