Located on Fukushima Island in the Gojima Archipelago, Gojima High School entrusted her friend Yuri Kashiwagi (played by Yuki Shinigaki) to teach for one semester as her choir supervisor, Haruko Matsubara (played by Buno Kimura), was on maternity leave. Kashiwagi is beautiful and indifferent, and the students are both curious and wary of her, although they heard that she used to be a member of a certain symphony orchestra
Located on Fukushima Island in the Gojima Archipelago, Gojima High School entrusted her friend Yuri Kashiwagi (played by Yuki Shinigaki) to teach for one semester as her choir supervisor, Haruko Matsubara (played by Buno Kimura), was on maternity leave. Kashiwagi is beautiful and indifferent, and the students are both curious and wary of her, although they heard that she used to be a member of a certain symphony orchestra