Xie Tianshu (played by Liu Zhibing) originally had a happy family of three generations living together. His wife Xiangyu (played by Ru Ping) was a high school teacher, and his daughter Xiaoxiao (played by Zhong Yi) was also at the age of preparing for the college entrance examination. The whole family lived happily ever after. Unexpectedly, unexpected circumstances arose when the old father passed away due to a heart attack at his 80th birthday banquet
Xie Tianshu (played by Liu Zhibing) originally had a happy family of three generations living together. His wife Xiangyu (played by Ru Ping) was a high school teacher, and his daughter Xiaoxiao (played by Zhong Yi) was also at the age of preparing for the college entrance examination. The whole family lived happily ever after. Unexpectedly, unexpected circumstances arose when the old father passed away due to a heart attack at his 80th birthday banquet