"Wisdom Teeth" is adapted from Remy's novel. It tells the story of Ren Kai, who graduated from school and started working with Zhan Ge, who had just returned to work, due to a serial murder case. The case could not be solved but instead led to a series of accidents. Zhan Ge encountered Wang Tao, a street boy who had killed his wife and children, and his hatred was uncontrollable; Ren Kai carelessly lost his gun and was mistakenly captured by the killer. murderer
"Wisdom Teeth" is adapted from Remy's novel. It tells the story of Ren Kai, who graduated from school and started working with Zhan Ge, who had just returned to work, due to a serial murder case. The case could not be solved but instead led to a series of accidents. Zhan Ge encountered Wang Tao, a street boy who had killed his wife and children, and his hatred was uncontrollable; Ren Kai carelessly lost his gun and was mistakenly captured by the killer. murderer