In the late Warring States period of Japan, Toyotomi Toyotomi Hideyoshi (played by Masayuki Shimura) was about to achieve eternal dominance, while the fall of the Hojo clan was just around the corner. Hideyoshi ordered his subordinates Ishida Sansei (played by Yukio Ueda) and Otani Yoshiji (played by Takayoshi Yamada) to lead a 20000 strong army to approach the small town of Naruto on the territory of the Hojo clan. Only
In the late Warring States period of Japan, Toyotomi Toyotomi Hideyoshi (played by Masayuki Shimura) was about to achieve eternal dominance, while the fall of the Hojo clan was just around the corner. Hideyoshi ordered his subordinates Ishida Sansei (played by Yukio Ueda) and Otani Yoshiji (played by Takayoshi Yamada) to lead a 20000 strong army to approach the small town of Naruto on the territory of the Hojo clan. Only