The story takes place in Nanbin, Guangdong Development Zone, before the return of Hong Kong in 1997. It revolves around Gao Tian (played by Pu Cunxin), the director of the Nanbin Public Security Bureau, and tells a thrilling and complex heroic story of the people's police fighting for justice. High achieving student Gao Tian from the police academy has been assigned to work at the Nanbin Public Security Bureau since graduation
The story takes place in Nanbin, Guangdong Development Zone, before the return of Hong Kong in 1997. It revolves around Gao Tian (played by Pu Cunxin), the director of the Nanbin Public Security Bureau, and tells a thrilling and complex heroic story of the people's police fighting for justice. High achieving student Gao Tian from the police academy has been assigned to work at the Nanbin Public Security Bureau since graduation