The story tells of Chen Youyou, a ghost horse girl with a tenacious vitality like an indestructible Xiaoqiang. She is forced to form a feud with Bai Li, the "Thousand Year Old Man" who decides to fight in Fuxian City. One is a versatile playwright who seeks survival, and the other is the "Thousand Year Old Man" who has been hiding his identity for many years. The two of them, in the process of attacking each other, ultimately truly fall behind. This is
The story tells of Chen Youyou, a ghost horse girl with a tenacious vitality like an indestructible Xiaoqiang. She is forced to form a feud with Bai Li, the "Thousand Year Old Man" who decides to fight in Fuxian City. One is a versatile playwright who seeks survival, and the other is the "Thousand Year Old Man" who has been hiding his identity for many years. The two of them, in the process of attacking each other, ultimately truly fall behind. This is