The film tells the story of three 30-year-old men who grew up under relaxed education such as weekends and reduced homework, and are known as the "first generation of relaxation", struggling for love and work. Okada Toshio plays an ordinary office worker, Matsuzaka Momori plays an elementary school teacher, and Yomiya Yoshiaki plays a ronin who lost 11 out of 11 in the college entrance exam.
The film tells the story of three 30-year-old men who grew up under relaxed education such as weekends and reduced homework, and are known as the "first generation of relaxation", struggling for love and work. Okada Toshio plays an ordinary office worker, Matsuzaka Momori plays an elementary school teacher, and Yomiya Yoshiaki plays a ronin who lost 11 out of 11 in the college entrance exam.