Suko Asahara, who is currently a major in Public Security Section 9 (voiced by Masayuki Sakamoto), went out to investigate the mysterious merger of a transport plane as instructed by the head of the department, Daisuke Arakura (voiced by Ichihisa Shuke). As a result, he was attacked by armed militants led by Bart (voiced by Kenichiro Matsuda) on the way. At the same time, the nationwide traffic management
Suko Asahara, who is currently a major in Public Security Section 9 (voiced by Masayuki Sakamoto), went out to investigate the mysterious merger of a transport plane as instructed by the head of the department, Daisuke Arakura (voiced by Ichihisa Shuke). As a result, he was attacked by armed militants led by Bart (voiced by Kenichiro Matsuda) on the way. At the same time, the nationwide traffic management