As she nears graduation from university, a graduate majoring in social welfare psychology, Cheng Zhao (played by his wife and husband, Satoshi Muki), is struggling to find her ideal job. Watching her friends, Keita Yajima (played by Hideta) and Shohei Sagata (played by Koki Nariya), both determine her future path, Zhao becomes even more confused. It's just like this
As she nears graduation from university, a graduate majoring in social welfare psychology, Cheng Zhao (played by his wife and husband, Satoshi Muki), is struggling to find her ideal job. Watching her friends, Keita Yajima (played by Hideta) and Shohei Sagata (played by Koki Nariya), both determine her future path, Zhao becomes even more confused. It's just like this