This drama tells the story of Zhang Tianyu, a nineteen year old school nurse who is sunny, beautiful, pure, and kind. She is facing graduation and is wholeheartedly preparing to further her education. At the age of nine, Tianyu's parents passed away and she was raised by her older sister. With her mother like care, Tianyu did not feel as depressed and introverted as an ordinary orphan. Sister Zhang Tianjie at Red Sun Film and Television
This drama tells the story of Zhang Tianyu, a nineteen year old school nurse who is sunny, beautiful, pure, and kind. She is facing graduation and is wholeheartedly preparing to further her education. At the age of nine, Tianyu's parents passed away and she was raised by her older sister. With her mother like care, Tianyu did not feel as depressed and introverted as an ordinary orphan. Sister Zhang Tianjie at Red Sun Film and Television