It tells the story of Huang Shimu (played by Cao Chengyou), a genius prosecutor who lost his emotional nerves after undergoing brain surgery in his childhood. He has been fighting alone in a corrupt inspection hall for 8 years, until one day a strange body engulfs him in a terrifying series of murders. The female police officer Han Ruzhen played by Pei Douna has a strong sense of justice and is well versed in
It tells the story of Huang Shimu (played by Cao Chengyou), a genius prosecutor who lost his emotional nerves after undergoing brain surgery in his childhood. He has been fighting alone in a corrupt inspection hall for 8 years, until one day a strange body engulfs him in a terrifying series of murders. The female police officer Han Ruzhen played by Pei Douna has a strong sense of justice and is well versed in