The story takes place at the end of the Edo period, when Wuri (played by Takaoka Hayashi) accidentally meets his orphan daughter Chaowu (played by Yasushi Anda), takes her back to a brothel, and trains her to become a wandering woman. Chaowu was once abused by his mother, with cherry blossom shaped scars all over his body. However, he benefited from misfortune and was greatly affected by his unusual behavior
The story takes place at the end of the Edo period, when Wuri (played by Takaoka Hayashi) accidentally meets his orphan daughter Chaowu (played by Yasushi Anda), takes her back to a brothel, and trains her to become a wandering woman. Chaowu was once abused by his mother, with cherry blossom shaped scars all over his body. However, he benefited from misfortune and was greatly affected by his unusual behavior