This is a story about the Hong Kong Customs, led by Hai Feng (played by Yuan Weihao), Senior Supervisor of the Copyright and Trademark Investigation Department, Guan Peixin (played by Huang Zhiwen), Chief Trade Control Officer of the Trade Control Department, and Wen Zhiqi (played by Wang Minyi), Supervisor of the Customs Drug Investigation Department. The three lead a group of customs elites and young newcomers, including:
This is a story about the Hong Kong Customs, led by Hai Feng (played by Yuan Weihao), Senior Supervisor of the Copyright and Trademark Investigation Department, Guan Peixin (played by Huang Zhiwen), Chief Trade Control Officer of the Trade Control Department, and Wen Zhiqi (played by Wang Minyi), Supervisor of the Customs Drug Investigation Department. The three lead a group of customs elites and young newcomers, including: