Chinese Hong Kong international student Ben (played by Andy Lau), along with his friends and classmates Zhang Zhi (played by Tuo Zonghua) and Ming Zai, have no intention of learning in Japan, but they are full of fighting spirit and venture into Japan, only to make a name for themselves. Zhang Zhi's search for his childhood sweetheart was unsuccessful, and Mingzi hooked up with the owner of a bar to accompany her. He was determined to become the leader of the Yamaguchi gumi, Ishikawa
Chinese Hong Kong international student Ben (played by Andy Lau), along with his friends and classmates Zhang Zhi (played by Tuo Zonghua) and Ming Zai, have no intention of learning in Japan, but they are full of fighting spirit and venture into Japan, only to make a name for themselves. Zhang Zhi's search for his childhood sweetheart was unsuccessful, and Mingzi hooked up with the owner of a bar to accompany her. He was determined to become the leader of the Yamaguchi gumi, Ishikawa