The story takes place in a magical world called Mo Xian Bao, where Black Mo Xian Xiao Yue (played by Zhou Jiao) secretly cultivates black magic and wants to steal the Mo Xian colored stones. Xiaolan (Liao Jingxuan), the guardian of the magic fairy, comes to the world in order to track down the whereabouts of the magic fairy Caishi, hides in a music box, and encounters Ling Meiqi, a kind-hearted sisters (Sun
The story takes place in a magical world called Mo Xian Bao, where Black Mo Xian Xiao Yue (played by Zhou Jiao) secretly cultivates black magic and wants to steal the Mo Xian colored stones. Xiaolan (Liao Jingxuan), the guardian of the magic fairy, comes to the world in order to track down the whereabouts of the magic fairy Caishi, hides in a music box, and encounters Ling Meiqi, a kind-hearted sisters (Sun