This work is adapted from the manga of the same name, "The Legend of the Assassin," by Minami Katsuhisa, starring Junichi Okada. The genius assassin "Fable" (Okada Junichi), who can kill enemies no matter how strong they are, was ordered by the boss to retire to Osaka for a year, during which no one can be killed. So he changed his name to Akira Sato
This work is adapted from the manga of the same name, "The Legend of the Assassin," by Minami Katsuhisa, starring Junichi Okada. The genius assassin "Fable" (Okada Junichi), who can kill enemies no matter how strong they are, was ordered by the boss to retire to Osaka for a year, during which no one can be killed. So he changed his name to Akira Sato