The story begins in the early years of the Republic of China. Three men, Ning Baolin (played by Luo Jialiang), Li Bayi (played by Huang Junpeng), and Su Mingyuan (played by Zhao Lixin), fall in love with the same woman. This woman passes away after leaving behind a child, Ning Wuyuan (played by Luo Jin). The three men decided to raise this child together, each
The story begins in the early years of the Republic of China. Three men, Ning Baolin (played by Luo Jialiang), Li Bayi (played by Huang Junpeng), and Su Mingyuan (played by Zhao Lixin), fall in love with the same woman. This woman passes away after leaving behind a child, Ning Wuyuan (played by Luo Jin). The three men decided to raise this child together, each