This drama tells the story of Tang Jiayu, a female cardiac surgeon who has been practicing medicine abroad for many years. She is invited by Vice President Liu Feng to return to China and serve as the director of the Heart Center at Beijing Anhe Jisheng Hospital. From not knowing the director of the medical department, Ouyang Zhenyu, to gradually developing into a close friend with anesthesiologist Ye Yiming. At the same time, he also led five members of the critical illness group: Jiang
This drama tells the story of Tang Jiayu, a female cardiac surgeon who has been practicing medicine abroad for many years. She is invited by Vice President Liu Feng to return to China and serve as the director of the Heart Center at Beijing Anhe Jisheng Hospital. From not knowing the director of the medical department, Ouyang Zhenyu, to gradually developing into a close friend with anesthesiologist Ye Yiming. At the same time, he also led five members of the critical illness group: Jiang