Qian Wendi (played by Andy Lau), a master of martial arts, collaborated with his girlfriend Lily (played by Christie Chung) and friend "Golden Finger" Ah Chi to win HKD 6 million to the wealthy Liu Yaozu in a gambling game. Liu Yaozu, who discovered that he had been deceived, was furious and kidnapped Azhi, threatening Wendi to be imprisoned for him in order to obtain help from the prisoner Robinson (played by Guan Haishan)
Qian Wendi (played by Andy Lau), a master of martial arts, collaborated with his girlfriend Lily (played by Christie Chung) and friend "Golden Finger" Ah Chi to win HKD 6 million to the wealthy Liu Yaozu in a gambling game. Liu Yaozu, who discovered that he had been deceived, was furious and kidnapped Azhi, threatening Wendi to be imprisoned for him in order to obtain help from the prisoner Robinson (played by Guan Haishan)