Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the premiere of next year's "Prince of Tennis" animation, the production of the new animated series "Prince of Tennis: Ice Emperor vs. Sea of Future" has been confirmed! The original author of the manga, Xu Feigang, will serve as the supervisor, while Shunichi Suwa and Yukiko Nagai will voice the main characters, Keigo Suwa and Seiji Yukimura, respectively
Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the premiere of next year's "Prince of Tennis" animation, the production of the new animated series "Prince of Tennis: Ice Emperor vs. Sea of Future" has been confirmed! The original author of the manga, Xu Feigang, will serve as the supervisor, while Shunichi Suwa and Yukiko Nagai will voice the main characters, Keigo Suwa and Seiji Yukimura, respectively