Dead End, formerly known as Rope Corner, is a TV series produced by MakerVille, adapted from the manga of the same name. The original author was local cartoonist Cao Zhihao, and the series was produced by Zhou Guoxian and Jiang? Sheng, Yang Lewen, Su Lishan, Lin Kailing, Wang Zhide, Qiu Aoran, Liang Zuyao, and others
Dead End, formerly known as Rope Corner, is a TV series produced by MakerVille, adapted from the manga of the same name. The original author was local cartoonist Cao Zhihao, and the series was produced by Zhou Guoxian and Jiang? Sheng, Yang Lewen, Su Lishan, Lin Kailing, Wang Zhide, Qiu Aoran, Liang Zuyao, and others