Detective Conan: Chapter ONE - The Shrinking Detective
Animated Movie
Animated Movie
Yamamoto Taiichirou
According to Japanese media reports, the new special feature of the popular anime "Detective Conan", "Detective Conan: Detective Conan with a Smaller ONE Chapter," is expected to be aired this winter. It is reported that the series was fully supervised by the original manga author, Gangchang Aoyama, and the first episode of the TV version aired on January 8, 1996, titled "Clouds in the Sky"
According to Japanese media reports, the new special feature of the popular anime "Detective Conan", "Detective Conan: Detective Conan with a Smaller ONE Chapter," is expected to be aired this winter. It is reported that the series was fully supervised by the original manga author, Gangchang Aoyama, and the first episode of the TV version aired on January 8, 1996, titled "Clouds in the Sky"