Since Ellio left, Yuchi Town has returned to tranquility. Unable to witness Sakura Sakura (voiced by Sakura Tanshita) recapturing the card hero, Toshiko Iwano (voiced by Runko Iwano) approached DV and started his own tokusatsu. During the process of watching the videotape, Sakura saw the image of the little wolf (voiced by Suko Kumai), which went viral
Since Ellio left, Yuchi Town has returned to tranquility. Unable to witness Sakura Sakura (voiced by Sakura Tanshita) recapturing the card hero, Toshiko Iwano (voiced by Runko Iwano) approached DV and started his own tokusatsu. During the process of watching the videotape, Sakura saw the image of the little wolf (voiced by Suko Kumai), which went viral