The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by online writer Bu Feiyan, which tells the story of Li Xuan, the Little Overlord of Qingtian City, and Su Youlian, a young girl who left her hometown to complete her mission in Tianqi Kingdom, studying together at Moyun Academy. They go from being enemies to loving each other, and finally face challenges with a group of Moyun students, finally ushering in a new era of peace
The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by online writer Bu Feiyan, which tells the story of Li Xuan, the Little Overlord of Qingtian City, and Su Youlian, a young girl who left her hometown to complete her mission in Tianqi Kingdom, studying together at Moyun Academy. They go from being enemies to loving each other, and finally face challenges with a group of Moyun students, finally ushering in a new era of peace