Young Makiko (played by Makiko Ono) cannot escape the sadness of her child's premature death. She divorces her husband (played by Yoichiro Saito) in excruciating pain, making life more difficult than death. Makiko came to the northern countryside of Nara and became a service staff member at the local center for intellectual disabilities. Here, she met someone named Mao Shu (Uda Mao)
Young Makiko (played by Makiko Ono) cannot escape the sadness of her child's premature death. She divorces her husband (played by Yoichiro Saito) in excruciating pain, making life more difficult than death. Makiko came to the northern countryside of Nara and became a service staff member at the local center for intellectual disabilities. Here, she met someone named Mao Shu (Uda Mao)