The story tells the love story of Su Ying (played by Zhong Chuxi), an interior designer who has suffered emotional trauma, and Qin Yunsheng (played by Zhang Yunlong), a passionate and dedicated emergency department doctor who heals each other. Su Ying is a highly sought after interior designer in the industry and a standard "successful woman" in the eyes of the public. Although I have achieved success in my career, I am still passionate about it
The story tells the love story of Su Ying (played by Zhong Chuxi), an interior designer who has suffered emotional trauma, and Qin Yunsheng (played by Zhang Yunlong), a passionate and dedicated emergency department doctor who heals each other. Su Ying is a highly sought after interior designer in the industry and a standard "successful woman" in the eyes of the public. Although I have achieved success in my career, I am still passionate about it