This film tells the story of Wang Xiaoshuai (played by Wang Taili), who is despised by his daughter-in-law's whole family for his intrusion into the door. Faced with life difficulties, he is determined to let go of everything and achieve his dreams. Therefore, he finds his old classmate Xiao Dabao (played by Xiao Yang). The two of them, who once parted ways because of the girl playing the cello, Ma Lu (played by Qu Jingjing), got together again and decided to
This film tells the story of Wang Xiaoshuai (played by Wang Taili), who is despised by his daughter-in-law's whole family for his intrusion into the door. Faced with life difficulties, he is determined to let go of everything and achieve his dreams. Therefore, he finds his old classmate Xiao Dabao (played by Xiao Yang). The two of them, who once parted ways because of the girl playing the cello, Ma Lu (played by Qu Jingjing), got together again and decided to