The story of "First Speed" takes place in Taiping City, a city at the border of multiple provinces. Public security is very complex, and the management of multiple provinces leads to frequent loopholes. A large amount of foreign drugs flow in, and the activities of black and evil forces are rampant. Taiping City has become a breeding ground for criminal gangs to breed and spread. The newly appointed director Guan Sushan is preparing to establish a strict crackdown on criminal forces
The story of "First Speed" takes place in Taiping City, a city at the border of multiple provinces. Public security is very complex, and the management of multiple provinces leads to frequent loopholes. A large amount of foreign drugs flow in, and the activities of black and evil forces are rampant. Taiping City has become a breeding ground for criminal gangs to breed and spread. The newly appointed director Guan Sushan is preparing to establish a strict crackdown on criminal forces