The movie tells the story of Why (played by Zhu Yawen) and Meng Xiaoxian (played by Zhang Rongrong), who work in the same bank's ATM department and are secretly in an underground relationship due to the company's ban on office romance. At the same time, an ATM machine in Xiongren Town, 300 kilometers away, malfunctioned and took out twice the amount of money and twice the amount of cash,
The movie tells the story of Why (played by Zhu Yawen) and Meng Xiaoxian (played by Zhang Rongrong), who work in the same bank's ATM department and are secretly in an underground relationship due to the company's ban on office romance. At the same time, an ATM machine in Xiongren Town, 300 kilometers away, malfunctioned and took out twice the amount of money and twice the amount of cash,