Born into a wealthy family, the daughter Fang Yifei (played by Zheng Shuang) falls in love with the ordinary young man Hua Tianqi (played by Zhang Han). Her mother Shu Yuxi (played by Meng Guangmei) is dissatisfied with the huge disparity in this relationship, and the design allows Fang Yifei to make a marriage agreement with Kang Jie (played by Di Jie), who is in a matching family. Angry Fang Yifei decides to privately marry Hua Tianqi
Born into a wealthy family, the daughter Fang Yifei (played by Zheng Shuang) falls in love with the ordinary young man Hua Tianqi (played by Zhang Han). Her mother Shu Yuxi (played by Meng Guangmei) is dissatisfied with the huge disparity in this relationship, and the design allows Fang Yifei to make a marriage agreement with Kang Jie (played by Di Jie), who is in a matching family. Angry Fang Yifei decides to privately marry Hua Tianqi