The young girl Fangjiang (played by Yaya Kiguchi) was originally a lowly maid in a certain geisha. She devoted herself to serving her sister Kikuno (played by Tsutomi Hasegani), who was the head of the geisha family. However, Kikuno gave her orders and was completely ruthless. By chance, Fang Jiang's physical strength was discovered by the young master of Yingye Iron, Yingye Guang (played by Saito Gong).
The young girl Fangjiang (played by Yaya Kiguchi) was originally a lowly maid in a certain geisha. She devoted herself to serving her sister Kikuno (played by Tsutomi Hasegani), who was the head of the geisha family. However, Kikuno gave her orders and was completely ruthless. By chance, Fang Jiang's physical strength was discovered by the young master of Yingye Iron, Yingye Guang (played by Saito Gong).