In the sequel to "Prison Storm," senior prisoner Ah Zheng (played by Chow Yun fat) extends his sentence due to a conflict with his former department head (played by Zhang Yao yang). During his sentence, his mother passes away, and his son Liang Zai is sent to an orphanage, even harboring resentment towards his father. Ah Zheng was determined to apply for an outing to visit his son, but received a warning from the boss that he was worried
In the sequel to "Prison Storm," senior prisoner Ah Zheng (played by Chow Yun fat) extends his sentence due to a conflict with his former department head (played by Zhang Yao yang). During his sentence, his mother passes away, and his son Liang Zai is sent to an orphanage, even harboring resentment towards his father. Ah Zheng was determined to apply for an outing to visit his son, but received a warning from the boss that he was worried